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I'm a fan of a ton of genres of film, I'm not the biggest reader but I like quite a few books at this point, and I used to be a pretty big gamer. I still play once in a while, but not as much as I used to.I wrote that description a long while ago, and I've actually been getting better about it, and enjoying literature as a medium more than I used to.
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"I would like to make two suggestions for additions. One would would be Xehanort (the Master Xehanort version that is) from the "Kingdom Hearts" games (seeing as Ganondorf is on the list you appear to"

"Quite an original list you've got there. I applaud you for that."

"I woudd've put Jar Jar and or C-3PO on here before Chewbacca peronally. Jar Jar being too obnoxiously dumb, and 3P0 extremely whiny/know it all. While I don't agree with some of them, I can feasib"

"I love NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, PSYCHO, and LAST MAN ON EARTH. The rest it's either been a very long time or I haven't seen them yet. I better make sure to check them out. Cool list."

"I agree with most of those except LION KING II. I'll be honest that I thought it was pretty darn good."

"Great list. Okay I don't care for SCARY MOVIE 4, but I genuinely agree with CRYSTAL SKULL (seriously I maybe can get some people's disappointment, even if I wasn't, but the extreme venom used against"

"When it comes to STAR WARS I do think that REVENGE OF THE SITH is better than RETURN OF THE JEDI to be honest. For me JEDI was the one that started going down the more commercial path, and the acting "

"*I agree on JAWS *I actually liked PSYCHO 2, but yeah the other ones aren't good *I think all of the TERMINATOR films are entertaining, even 3 and 4, despite not being on the same level as their pre"

"I loved CRYSTAL SKULL (Definitely one of the most underrated films of the last decade) and really liked SPIDER-MAN 3 as well as PREDATORS. I haven't seen some of the others on here yet, but I"ll prob"

"Thanks man! It means a lot and I really appreciate that you put my list on here. And a good job on the other parts of the list to. Looks like I'm gonna have to check some of these out."

"It's all opinion I guess 'cause I like a lot of these. Many I think were victims of hype and how great their predecessors were (Godfather III, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Crystal Skull, Matrix Sequels"

"Oh, and is there a way for me to get that Siblings list onto my lists?"

"When I first read the idea of comparing Last Airbender and Harry Potter I was like: What? But after looking through it, you did a great job on this, with several great comparisons. I particularly go"

"I find it kind of funny I checked this list out right after writing and posting a long review/defense of BATMAN FOREVER. It's fine if you hate it, but I personally feel that it is highly underrated. "

"Glad to see WAKING NED DEVINE and HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH on here. I feel the only reason H3 is hated so much was the fact it lacked Michael Myers. I guess I should check some of these "

"Cool. I too am a big Burton fan. Glad to see someone else who doesn't hate Burton's PLANET OF THE APES or ALICE IN WONDERLAND."

"Very good list. Stanley Kubrick's SHINING is my favorite Stephen King adaptation as well."

"The only ones I personally (it's obviously fine that you don't like them) disagree with are KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL and MATRIX REVOLUTIONS. The rest I either agree with or haven't seen yet."

"I was surprised to notice I hadn't voted for this yet."
As for the SW prequels, I should add that I've only seen each film once in its entirety, on their respective opening weekends in the theatres. I've since seen parts of I and II on other peoples' TV sets, but haven't sat down to revisit any of them in full. Each film was entertaining to an extent, but for me they were mostly forgettable which I can't say of episodes IV-VI. And I'm not saying Jedi is perfect by any means, but compared to the prequels it's improved in my estimation. Of course my love for the original 3 films may just as well be due to my growing up with them, whereas the prequels came out in my adulthood. Had I been a youngster at the time the prequels came out I might have a more favorable opinion of them (and thus a different view of all 6 films).
With regard to the Halloween remake, I thoroughly enjoyed it & to a lesser degree its sequel. Neither is as good as the original Halloween & Halloween II, but I don't see why the remake & its sequel are so hated either. Neither was necessary (or Great), but for what they are I think they're solid films. The Platinum Dunes films look terrible from the trailers though, & the feedback on their remakes I've received from reliable sources (friends with similar tastes in horror to mine that saw the originals too) indicates they ARE terrible & thus I've written them off rather than attempt to watch any of them.
Glad to know from someone who suffered through the first 2 Transformers films that I'm right to continue avoiding them. :)
All right, now that I've taken up half of your comments section I'll move along. Hope all is well & you had a great weekend!
I recommend you watch Battle Royale (2000)
I agree with you that Halloween III mostly gets hated due to the lack of Michael Myers, as well as the fact that it's more of a B-movie than its predecessors perhaps. Unsure if you're aware, but at one point the intention was for all the Halloween sequels to be unrelated stories. That died when the 3rd film flopped.
As for Burton's Planet of the Apes and Alice, I think most of the hatred for them stems from people expecting them to be either remakes of the original films or more faithful adaptations of the books. But both of those films are cases where he told NEW stories within the worlds that others had already established. And for what they are I feel they're good (though not Great), entertaining movies. Glad to know you agree.
Finally, on my underappreciated list, I know several of those are on Netflix instant watch if that's helpful to you. Anything you check out from that list, feel free to share your thoughts!
Hope you're having a great weekend!